
Showing posts from October, 2017

Fourth shoot back at uni (with artist research).

I was really interested in the following image by Paola Rojas and therefore wanted to experiment with filling in the mirror with the model's face. I didn't want to change the mirror I was using as I wanted to be consistent with my work, so I created my images in post production. I also found the work of Thomas Flurschuetz really interesting as he uses different parts of his body to create really abstract portraits which look really unusual: What I plan on doing for my project is focusing on specific aspects of a person's face in the mirror, but I am going to do this in post production as I feel like this will work better than using the other side of the mirror I am using because it will be too zoomed in and I would rather have the ability to choose how zoomed the subject is. I think this will really help to progress my work because I will be able to see whether using smaller mirrors or focusing on one aspect of the subject's face works. Contact shee...

Charlotte Jansen talk.

Today we had the opportunity to go to a lecture help by Charlotte Jansen, a journalist who specifies in art. The talk was based on her book called 'Girl on Girl', which focuses on female photographers and the way in which they represent women in a variety of different ways. Although I didn't think this talk related to my final major project, I wanted to go to it anyway because I thought it would be interesting to listen to someone talk about their work in front of such a large audience - the room in which the talk was held was pretty much full with only a few chairs spare in parts of the room. I really enjoyed the talk and think it helped me out a lot more than I initially expected as she had a lot to say about photography and her views on the male gaze and femininity. Because she spoke about a lot of artists within her talk, I felt like I could use some of them to help develop my work in some way or use them to help with shoots I do alongside my university work. Some a...

Third shoot back at university (with artist research)

I wanted to experiment again with this shoot, this time using a different mirror than I had been using for my other portraits to see if the size was something that I wanted to stick with or not. I found the following artist who inspired me to do this shoot because of the variety in mirrors she uses and how well each image works in its own way: These images are all taken by the photographer Paola Rojas, and I was interested in these because of the variety in the shapes and sizes that she uses in her images. The image of the girl's face split into 2 is the one that interested me the most out of these 3 images because it gave me the idea of using a mirror to reflect someone into in a specific way - but in the images I shot I used a mirror that stood alone so that I could edit the image to my desired effect. Contact sheet from this shoot: My image from this shoot: The idea behind this shoot was to achieve images that I could edit together so that there was the...

Fashion shoot with fashion students.

The other week some of the students approached me and asked if I was interested in doing a studio shoot with them, which I said yes to as I could add this to my portfolio for when I finish university. The idea behind the shoot was quite minimal clothing, complimented with shadows. Here is the mood board: We booked the studio for the 17th October for the full day, and set up the lights whilst the model got changed into the first outfit and did her makeup. Here are some images from this shoot, to give an idea of the types of imagery we created: This isn't my preference when shooting in the studio as I love to use colour to be really eye catching and interesting, but shooting in this minimal colour scheme was really fun to do because it makes the images look clean and I like this aesthetic.

First interim show.

This was the image that I decided to print for the first interim show that we had, and overall I was very pleased with how it turned out. I decided to print the image onto A1 semi gloss paper so that it had a slight shine to it but so it didn't shine too much so that it was difficult to see the image - I felt like the shine worked really well as the image included a mirror in it. I used an image that I had edited on Photoshop so that both the hand and the face in the mirror were in focus because this was one of the more successful images. I really like the contrast between the orange of the jumper and the blue background as I think these work really complementary with each other. I know that for my next show I need to work on the lighting of the image as one side of the arm has too much shade on it and the reflection in the mirror is too dark - this was because this shoot was very rushed.

Second shoot back at uni (with artist research).

Contact sheet from this shoot of all images taken: For this shoot, I was going for something completely different in terms of framing, composition and even the subject matter I was using; even though I am still working primarily with mirrors. I wanted to experiment with something different to see what works and what doesn't - I took some shots that didn't include a portrait at all to test it out. I used people's hands to be reflected into the mirror to add interest as I really liked how they looked as though they were floating and it created a really minimalistic image. These images were inspired by some images I found on a blog called 'thisispaper', which look as though they could work as advertising images for jewelry: For the portrait images I took, I was inspired by the work of  Eylül Aslan in which she uses a mirror to block of part of the subject's face, reflecting the sky into the mirror: Taken from the project 'Milkmeid', I really...