Third shoot back at university (with artist research)

I wanted to experiment again with this shoot, this time using a different mirror than I had been using for my other portraits to see if the size was something that I wanted to stick with or not. I found the following artist who inspired me to do this shoot because of the variety in mirrors she uses and how well each image works in its own way:

These images are all taken by the photographer Paola Rojas, and I was interested in these because of the variety in the shapes and sizes that she uses in her images. The image of the girl's face split into 2 is the one that interested me the most out of these 3 images because it gave me the idea of using a mirror to reflect someone into in a specific way - but in the images I shot I used a mirror that stood alone so that I could edit the image to my desired effect.

Contact sheet from this shoot:

My image from this shoot:

The idea behind this shoot was to achieve images that I could edit together so that there was the same person in the mirror and next to the mirror. I think this was very successful in terms of editing together an image that I had visioned. I think it works really well as an image but I am not going to be continuing with this idea because I think the mirror is took large as there is too much space around the model in the mirror. This is the reason I only edited the one image because I thought it made more sense to not spend time editing images that I knew I wasn't going to be continuing with.


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