Portfolio Review - Keeley Stone.

I had the opportunity to have my project reviewed by Keeley also today, who I must say was so welcoming to everyone and really listened to what we had to say. She had a genuine interest in my project and asked me questions, gave me advice and also had some suggestions of her own for what I could do for my final exhibition:

Would look good as a collage - Colours/shapes/Photoshop collage --> Kodak paper?
She described it as 'not perfect' and added that it had quirkiness to it.
It doesn't need unity.
Add more contrast/saturation to the images.
Great concept.
Collage would give it more interest, and would make it stronger.
Could print out all images on one piece of paper - have it sliding down the wall.
Hang it?
Don't have it regimented.
Love the overlaying idea.
All images reference one another.
Use small images to give idea of what it looks like.

I took in one image from each shoot which I was happy with and was more refined - most of them were from more recent shoots. When I laid them in front of her, she started moving them around and placing them in a way she felt worked effectively:


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