Princes Quay galleries.

Yesterday, I went to my local shopping centre in Hull in which there were a few small galleries that were really close together. Some of the images that were included within the galleries were not something that particularly interested me, but I went in to have a look anyway because I thought that it would be interesting to look at them and they could help me with my project in some way.

Gallery 1, "IN & AT":

In this small gallery, there was a lot of images that I thought looked really interesting within their subject matter and the way that they were photographed. They are taken by a lot of different artists, who are from different places in the world as this exhibition is the "International Group Exhibition". The photograph that interested me the most is the one in which there is a man who is partially covered by a shadow on his face. This image was taken by Oihana Marco, and includes a man who had to run away from his family to escape being hanged or being put into prison. He never had a chance to say goodbye to his family and I think the shadow is really interesting in that it represents a hidden aspect of his life which he doesn't want people to see.

Gallery 2:

When looking at this work, I initially felt that it was not something that I was interested in but then as I looked at it for a longer period of time, I thought it was really interesting and not something that I had really seen before in a gallery space as an exhibition. This project particularly looks at the selfies that people take and how people record memories and their identity. One of my favourite images from the work is the one that I have included - the image of the person crouched on the toilet. I think this image is really interesting in its framing in particular and how the subject has managed to hide their private area. Upon inspecting the image more, I noticed that there was a mirror in the framing above the subject's knee where the subject's face can be seen. This is something that I think may help progress my work because I need to think about possibly leaving the studio and taking some images on location somewhere. Additionally, there was some mirrors placed in the corner of the room which I felt was a really nice touch to the exhibition as it tied everything together and could make the visitors feel more involved with the work.


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