Seventh shoot back at uni (with artist research).

I felt like I was getting to a comfortable stage within my project and was really enjoying using mirrors in my images, so I wanted to experiment again to create something very different. I found the following images in a book entitled "Sensation" by Noah Webb (the book contained imagery by 66 different artists and was edited together by Patrick Remy Studio), in which he has photographed people behind textured glass to blur the subjects' figures. This interested me because of how it is a different way of hiding identity and I was excited to shoot this because of how different it was to what I had been doing previously. Although the subjects behind the screens are not in focus, there are aspects of the images that are and this seems to have been done for a purpose, which is especially evident within the title of the images ("obstruction/construction"). The word "PRIVATE" on the door on the left image demonstrates something about the person behind the door in the image as it has been made clear for a reason - is that person hiding their identity for some reason? I really like the idea of using some kind of material to make it difficult for the viewer to see who the person in the image is, as my project is looking into identity.

Noah Webb:

Contact sheet from this shoot:

My images from this shoot:

I created these images in a very different way to Noah Webb as I did not use textured glass - I used glass from a photo frame and wrapped it in cling film until I achieved an effect I was happy with as I didn't want to have to buy some textured glass from somewhere simply for one shoot as I didn't know if I was going to want to continue to do this or not. I struggled initially with the lighting as the model was receiving too much light on her but I wanted her to be quite dark behind the glass - to rectify this I simply moved the model closer to the camera so that she was in front of the lights and this made it more even. I am really happy with the images that I achieved because they give the effect that I wanted, although I think I need to receive feedback on these images to know whether they are working or not.

Upon reflection, the images that I have achieved from this shoot really reminds me of the work by Sam Ivin entitled "Lingering Ghosts":

The material I have used creates a very scratchy texture effect to the image which is very interesting, as it adds another depth to the image that I had not yet thought of. The work by Ivin is loosely relevant to my work because of the fact both her project and mine both look at identity, albeit in very different ways. Ivin has physically scratched out the identity of her subjects, whereas I have opted for an approach using material to shoot through.


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