Assisting Josh Wilde in the studio - product.
Today I had the opportunity to help out University of Huddersfield Photography graduate Josh Wilde on a shoot that he wanted to do in the studio. Unfortunately he wanted to do a fashion shoot with a model but she cancelled the night before so he had to change his idea.
I would have much preferred to have done a shoot with a model with Josh because this is something that I want to do in the future, but this was a really interesting thing to shoot because it's not something that I usually do. I also think this was much more beneficial to me because of product not being something that I shoot and therefore I was able to learn how Josh shoots this.
The idea behind this product shot was that the fragrances were the King and Queen chess pieces, and the other pieces were levitating in the background, as if the King and Queen had made such an impact on the ground that they had been tossed away.
This is the final outcome of this shoot:
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