Feedback 9th March.

Today I had the opportunity to show my work to my teachers and classmates to receive feedback on my final major project, and I was really excited to show it because I felt like I had really developed it and that it had progressed a lot since the last time showing it. I showed a print of each edited picture that I had created in my most recent shoot, and laid each one on the table so that everyone could see them all together - including myself. It was really helpful to see all of these images together in one place because it allowed me to see whether the prints were working together or not and allowed me to understand which images worked the best for my project when compared to every other image.

Upon showing my images, Hayley stated that she was unsure which images were using mirrors and which ones weren't. This comment instantly made me happy because it made me feel as though I was achieving my intentions for my project of not being able to tell which pictures are reflections and which ones aren't. Yan was also present alongside Richard to give some feedback to me, which I thought would be helpful as she doesn't know the project very well and therefore can give an unbiased opinion: she stated that some images made her think of death/danger. Although I understand where she is coming from as I am using a piece of a broken mirror, I don't feel like my images represent this because of the fact I am using bright colours and the mirror is being held in a non-threatening way. This is definitely something for me to consider, as I don't want my project to give the wrong impression or meaning. Two ideas I was given was to use a phone as a reflective source and to also rip the paper rather than cut a shape into it. I think these are really interesting ideas and I am going to give more thought into the idea of ripping paper rather than cutting out a very precise shape, but don't think I am going to use a phone as a reflection because I feel like this will make the project too much about social media. 4 words that my project was described as by different people were awkwardness, implicit, disruption and fragment. These 4 words really sum up my project on a whole I think, and I am genuinely pleased about the fact my ideas are being recognised by other people by the images I am producing. For the Interim Exhibition next week I was shown the artist Alexandra Lethbridge, who exhibits her work beautifully. I am going to do a separate blog post on this artist and how I plan to do my exhibition in more detail.


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