Paper types research.

One suggestion that keeps being given to me is to print onto a mirror and so I thought I would research into this a little more to see if this is something I could do or if it is not a viable option. I couldn't find anywhere that prints directly onto mirrors, so I also looked at printing onto metallic surfaces. This is because mirrors are a metallic object, and so I wanted to just to see the different options available:

The website provides the service of printing onto aluminium, as can be seen below:

This is their price list:
My only issue with printing with a website I have not heard of before is that the quality may not be very good as they may be more of a business that sells to the public and therefore the quality just needs to be good enough for families and the like - not professional photographers.

After looking at these websites, I decided to look at the paper types that other companies offered so that I could see which ones I wanted to try out. I looked at to see which paper they had, and found the following one which I thought sounded really interesting as it said it was metallic, that it was reflective and gave a 3-dimensional feel:

In the comparison with the other C-type's, it states it has more of a silver metallic finish, so I think this would be really effective for some of my images that contain mirrors. I have used semi gloss in the past and this has worked really well as having a slight shine is effective because it relates to the mirror in the image.
Then I found this email, which meant that I would only really have to pay for the postage, which was a really good deal that I didn't want to miss out on. I ordered the following print, and am going to write a blog post about what I think of it when it arrives:


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