Shopping around for an A1 frame.

I have already bought a silver frame for my A2 print, to relate to the mirrors I have used within my project, and just need to find one for my A1 print. I have emailed a few places to see the types of prices they were quoting and then I went from there. I initially asked about black frame as this is what I thought I wanted:

I received quite a few emails very quickly after asking about frames - they all seemed quite expensive (seeing as I have had to pay a lot for my prints and therefore don't have a lot of money to spend on framing them) and so I was wondering what to do. I then realised that black would look way too harsh for my prints because it would make them look darker and could create a totally different meaning to my project. I decided to instead go with white and so I emailed 'On The Wall' back and asked if they had any white frames, seeing as they had some really good prices:

Unfortunately, they didn't have any A1 frames as can be seen in the reply I received, and I didn't want to cut off any of my print as I want it to be A1 like I planned. I have decided I am going to order this frame, as it looks exactly like I wanted - it is simply white, pretty cheap and is also A1 size (additionally, I can order through Prime which means quicker delivery which is essential as time is quickly running out):


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